UN Nature report 29.10.2020

On May 6th UN has published an unprecedented report on Earth biodiversity and impact of human activity on the condition of our planet. The verdict is very direct:  the industrial dangers have come so far, that many of them are irreparable.

Five of the most harmful types of human activity on the environment, listed in the UN Environmental report, written by scientists from over than 130 countries, are:

  1. treating the surface of the earth (agriculture and cutting down forests),
  2. direct use of natural resources (fishing, hunting),
  3. climate change,
  4. environmental pollution and
  5. uncontrolled development of invasive species due to ecological imbalances.

The CEO of the IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) says, however, that it is not too late to save the planet, provided that we start now, at every level, from local to global.

Huge amounts of garbage thrown away by people around the world are an important component contributing to environmental pollution. The most disastrous effects of mindless waste management include; over 400 so-called dead zones in the oceans and over a million species of plants and animals being endangered. In addition, more and more land is covered with garbage dumps. This only emphasizes the importance of sensible management of goods possessed by people.

Prudent and reasonable management of the generated waste is one of the most important aspects that can contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution. We must ensure that all waste is recycled and possibly reused. We need to reduce the amount of waste that floods landfills and gets to the natural environment from wild dumps. Today, rational waste management is as important as ever.

The report is available here: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/blog/2019/05/nature-decline-unprecedented-report/

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