Earth Day – radio broadcast 22.04.2016

Interview with Paweł Miller, Bioelektra Group CFO, Polskie Radio 24: Today we are celebrating Earth Day. This is the largest environmental festival, celebrated in over 190 countries. It aims to awake ecological awareness of people and raise their care for the environment. A guest of Polskie Radio 24 was Paweł Miller, Chief Financial Oficer at Bioelektra […]

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Solution for municipal waste management policy 20.12.2015

Jarosław Drozd, Bioelektra Group CEO, Biomass Magazine No 11 (18): Traditional methods of waste management are sources of emission of considerable amounts of greenhouse gases, including CO2 and methane. The solution is already available on the market – a technology providing sustainable waste management and contributing to a reduction of greenhouse gases.  More: http:/  (Polish version only)

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Innovative waste management is the answer to COP21 goals 1.12.2015

Jarosław Drozd, Bioelektra Group CEO, UN Global Compact Poland Yearbook 2015: A problem of greenhouse gases emission and requirements on its decrease in Poland is seen mostly from the perspective of the industry. The other significant, diffused source of emission is forgotten: the waste. File is also available here: YEARBOOK 2015 (Polish version only)

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Our fuel can strengthen the energy security 15.10.2015

Paweł Miller, Bioelektra Group CFO, the Economic Forum in Krynica: We build everything for our money, on commercial terms. We can win every tender – says in an interview with “Forbes” Paweł Miller, CFO at Bioelektra. This Polish company has the potential to become a global leader in its industry. More:  (Polish version only)

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