Hydrogen from waste – the fuel of the future 17.05.2016

WNP Portal Gospodarczy: A project of using biomass from waste to produce hydrogen fuel was granted the third place in “Innovation energy” competition, organized by PGE. A source of biomass is municipal solid waste treated in the mechanical – heat process developed by Bioelektra Group. More: http:/energetyka.wnp.pl/bioelektra-group-wodor-ze-smieci-paliwem-przyszlosci,273668_1_0_0.html (Polish version only)

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Solution for municipal waste management policy 20.12.2015

Jarosław Drozd, Bioelektra Group CEO, Biomass Magazine No 11 (18): Traditional methods of waste management are sources of emission of considerable amounts of greenhouse gases, including CO2 and methane. The solution is already available on the market – a technology providing sustainable waste management and contributing to a reduction of greenhouse gases.  More: http:/magazynbiomasa.pl/magazyn-biomasa-grudzien-2015/  (Polish version only)

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Our fuel can strengthen the energy security 15.10.2015

Paweł Miller, Bioelektra Group CFO, the Economic Forum in Krynica: We build everything for our money, on commercial terms. We can win every tender – says in an interview with “Forbes” Paweł Miller, CFO at Bioelektra. This Polish company has the potential to become a global leader in its industry. More: https://www.forbes.pl/forum-ekonomiczne-w-krynicy/pawel-miller-bioelektra-nasze-paliwo-moze-wzmocnic-bezpieczenstwo-energetyczne/818j61v  (Polish version only)

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