Energy Globe Award Poland 2017 29.10.2020

RotoSTERIL waste treatment technology was selected as the national winner of ?Energy Globe?, the worldwide competition. At the Energy Globe National Award 2017 ceremony in Warsaw, Bioelektra Group received the certificate from Mr. Karl Schmidt, Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of Austria.

Energy Globe Awards are often called the ?Nobel Prize for Environmental Protection?. The Jury of the current edition analyzed two thousand projects submitted by companies and organizations, from all corners of the world. Additionally, among 178 national winners, later this year the Jury will also select global winners. These prizes will be awarded in 6 categories: Water, Air, Earth, Fire, Youth and (new, launched in 2016) Sustainable Plastics. Bioelektra Group – as the winner of national award – will represent Poland in the international Energy Globe stage, for the category, Earth.

The Energy Globe competition aims to raise awareness, about available solutions for environmental problems and to prove that each of us can make a positive contribution to  environmental protection. The Jury?s annual task is to present successful sustainable projects to a broad audience, especially those, that conserve and protect our resources or, which employ renewable energy. Awarded projects are presented and promoted by the Austrian Energy Globe Foundation. They are hoped to educate and inspire, eventually setting new standards for the world. Merited by the prestige of the competition, Energy Globe Awards gala is widely broadcast by television and other media across the world.

A review of the National Energy Globe 2017 winners, is published on the organization’s website: http:/

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